Our Process

What makes our machine better?

With low bursts of radiation reducing any health risks to you, our patient, we can now offer a much quicker way of diagnosing and deciding on a proper and effective form of treatment. No longer will you need to make trips to and from a local X-Ray facility when here at Rangel Chiropractic we have our state of the art digital x-ray ready for use!


How Dr. Rangel Can Help

Digital X-Rays

Being one of the few chiropractors in Bakersfield, Ca with a state of the art low radiation dosage x-ray machine on hand, you no longer need to be referred to an outside technician, cutting down on valuable time!

Auto Injuries

Dr. Rangel has over 30 years of on hands chiropractic experience in Bakersfield, Ca with auto injury patients. Allowing for specialized knowledge and approaches to help speed up the healing process.


Our approach allows for a speedy recovery, while focusing on helping lessen your pain and increasing your wellness. Located in Bakersfield, Ca Rangel Chiropractic offers an amazing Physiotherapy solution to fit your needs.